martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hugo Chavez's profile

Hugo Chavez was born in Sabaneta, Venezuela, the 28th of July, 1954 .
He was a retired Army coronel who graduate as political scientist.
He was the president of Venezuela from 1999 and 2013, he was part of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

On Tuesday, 4th of February, 1992, a group of soldiers ran an attempted of a coup in Venezuela against the constitutional president Carlos Andres Perez. The coup failed and the rebels surrendered, in middle of the rebels, there was Hugo Chavez. He was sentenced to two years in prison. In 1999 he became president.
After becoming president, Chavez decided to change the Venezuelan constitution; this one would modify the powers of congress and the judicial system As the constitution was changed the name of the country also did to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Hugo Chavez was an ally of the dictator Fidel Castro, Cuban dictator. He was sure that the capitalism was destroying the world that is why he wanted Venezuela to be a communist one. Many of the Venezuelans loved him because he presented to the poor social programs. Many times, the country experienced high food shortages and problems with the economy. Chavez was reelected 4 times in Venezuela.

How he died :
He died the 5th of March, 2013 in Caracas
When Chavez died he was 58. The reason why he died is because he had cancer and this did not let him take his fourth term as a president. Nicolas Maduro who was his vice president was the one who gave the news to the people in Venezuela and to the world press.
(Camila Maurtua)

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Nicolás Maduro Grabbing Power

Nicolas Maduro was and is very loyal to his lider and friend Hugo Chavez and followed all his plans. In the National Assembly of the Congress, he swore to complete his service as the president of Venezuela. He will participate in the next elections.

According to the constitution Diosdado Cabello should be the next Venezuelan president because of the reelection that took place in the last January 5th. However Maduro is so sure that he will become next president, because Hugo Chavez said so. He is now a temporary president in Venezuela, and deals with all country problems. However, the next Venezuelan elections will be on April 14th, and in that date it will be decided if Nicolas Maduro o Henrique Capriles, his rival, will be the president of Venezuela.

The tension between these two rivals is increasing day by day. The temporary president assured that the American ex-ambassadors of Caracas were against Capriles and they planned to kill him. These affirmations by Maduro were denied by the ex- ambassords themselves, Roger Noriega and Otto Reich. So Capriles says that if something bad happened to him, Maduro was going to be guilty. 
(Catalina Zegarra-Ballón)

Venezuela's Political and Economical Situation

After his failure to become president of Venezuela in 1992 in a coup d’etat, Hugo Chavez finally reached the power he desired through democratic elections in 1998.
Chavez kept being reelected despite he had a strong opposition; this brought a lot of concern to the people.

On March 5th Hugo Chavez passed away and the fight for keeping the power began for the chavistas. According to the constitution Diosdado Cabello should take Hugo Chavez’s place until there are new elections because he is the president of the national assembly of Venezuela, however, Hugo Chavez announced before passing away that he wanted Nicolás Maduro (the vice president) to take his place as the President of Venezuela.
Maduro says that he should be the next president and carry on with Chavez’s plans for Venezuela, meanwhile he is the President until new elections are carried out.

On the other hand we have the opposition lead by Enrique Capriles which is strongly campaigning to win the next elections set for April 14th  2013.
Although Maduro has a hard job which is maintaining the love of the people towards Hugo Chavez so that they vote for him as his successor, Capriles has a harder job which is convincing the people that he is what Venezuela needs.

According to the last poll carried out on March 18th  Nicolás Maduro is ahead of Capriles by 14,4% but there are still 4 months to go and decisions may change.
(Lia Rizo Patrón)


After Hugo Chavez's death, it is hoped that the new government will improve the economy in Venezuela. There was a devaluation of 46.5% of the bolivar (currency in Venezuela) and this is why the change of a dollar grew from 4.30 bolivars to 6.30 bolivars. Explanations have been trying to be found, it is imagined that this inflation has come because of the global crisis and the lack of inner production, which would provide incomes to the country. But an important reason why this, inflation and devaluation of the bolivars, has occurred is because of the corrupt government while Chavez still ruled. This can be seen when it is said that Hugo Chavez leave his family in good economic conditions but leaves his country in very bad ones. 

The worst thing that could happen for the economy of this country is chavism to prevail or for it to continue with the same steps as Chavez. 
(Alessandra Roncal)

Elecciones en Venezuela: Maduro le lleva 14,4% a Capriles en encuesta 

The oppsition leader Enrique Capriles challenges Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela’s opposition leader has challenged the legitimacy of the interim president Nicolas Maduro, chosen as successor by Hugo Chavez before his death.
Capriles is now accusing the government of abuse of power and unconstitutional strategies to keep him away of the presidency.  “Do you really need to abuse power to run for elections?” said Capriles at a press conference referring to Maduro.
The opposition leader who lost the elections carried out last October against Hugo Chavez confirms that he would fight off against Maduro in the next elections that will take place in 30 days. “You are not Chavez and this election will be different” Capriles said. “You were not elected president, the people didn’t vote for you, boy”. He added. At which Maduro responded “I’m not Chavez but I’m his son.”
 “Nicolas, I will not leave the way open for you, I will fight for every vote, whatever the cost.” Capriles said in a news conference in Caracas.
(Andrea Bosio)