Edward Snowden and Evo Morales

Edward Snowden
Edward Joseph Snowden was born July 21st of 1983, in North Carolina, United States. In his early life career he volunteered for the army, hoping to be part of the Special Forces. However he was deputing, because his two legs were broken in a training accident. After that he started to work for the secret installation of the NSA in Maryland University. Finally he ended working for the CIA, like an expert in informatics security.
Now he doesn’t work for the CIA anymore, because of the secrets he had exposed to the media. In July of 2013 he made public very private documents about many programs of the NSA, one of them was PRISM. He sold this information to the newspapers; The Guardian and The Washington Post.  Many people think that he had escape to Hong Kong so he can go to Russia. This whole situation had been categorized as a “criminal issue”.
Snowden had applied for asylum in many countries, like; Spain, Venezuela, Cuba and other 21 countries. It had been confirmed that maybe he will be received in Iceland, because of the liberty of expression Iceland program. (Catalina Zegarra-Ballón)

France and Portugal didn’t allow Evo Morales to land because they thought he was hiding Edward Snowden in the airplane
The presidential airplane that was bringing back President Evo Morales from Russia was deflected to Austria after France and Portugal refused him to cross their airspace due to the suspect of bringing the ex CIA’s analyst Edward Snowden.
Since yesterday’s morning, President Morales has been retained in Vienna’s airport waiting for Spain’s permission to overfly their airspace or make a landing to refuel. Bolivia keep on denying it saying they never saw him in Moscow and that they never talk about him with the Russian authorities. President Morales declared: “We didn’t even know his name; we just heard there was a problem with the United States.” (Andrea Bosio)

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